For Marketa Silena, of the Czech Republic, a graduate of Stanislav Libensky,
glass is "the only" material, because of its multiple possibilities. It allows
her to create dense, cast pieces and polished prism. In her sculptures,
as in her jewelry, it is combination of glass, in its many manifestations,
with metals, that interest her.
Group exhibitions of glass or jewelry (selection)
Brno (1983, 87);  
Glas-Schmuck (Luzern, 1983);  
Czech jewel (Prague, 1983);  
International exhibition of costume jewellery (Jablonec, 1983, 87);  
Jugend gestaltet (Munchen, 1984);  
Czechoslovak glass (Prague, 1984);  
Contemporary jewellery (Kyoto, 1984);  
Second Coburg Glass Prize (1985);  
Galerie Nebti (Haag, 1985);  
Clara Scremini Gallery (Paris, 1985);  
Interglass Symposium (Novy Bor, 1985);  
Contemporary Czechoslovakian Glass Art (Boca Raton FL. USA, 1985);  
Interart (Poznan, 1985);  
Fuze (Mala Skala, 1985);  
Schmuck fur Kopf und Haar (Pforzheim, 1986);  
Essener Glasgalerie (Essen, 1986);  
Joieria Europea Contemporania (Barcelona, 1987);  
Young Art-Manes (Praha, 1987);  
New Czech Glass-Suomen Lasimuseo (Riihimaki, 1988);  
Contemporary Czech Glass (Moscow, 1988);  
Metal and jewellery (Praha, 1990);  
Atelier VSUP 82-90 (Praha, 1991);  
Glass prize Prague (Praha, 1991);  
Galerie Rob van den Doel (The Hague, 1991);  
Selections From The Prague Glass Prize-Heller Gallery (New York, 1992);  
Glass Jewellery-das Goldschmiedehaus (Hanau, 1992);  
Kollektive Schmuckausstellung-Galerie Farel (Aigle CH, 1993);  
Galerie d'Art Annie Chevalley (Montreux CH, 1994);  
Glasgalerie Hittfeld (Hamburg, 1994);  
Art Glass Centre (Schalkwijk NL, 1994);  
Schmuckszene '95 (Munchen, 1995); 
New Czech Jewellery, Barbican Centre (London, 1995); 
Winners of the D. Swarovski Award, Museum of Decorative Arts (Prague, 1995)
- 2. price in sphere of jewellery; 
Czech mould-melted glass object (Jablonec n.N., 1995); 
Space for jewellery (Praha, 1991, 96); 
2. Internationale Glaskunst Triennale (Nurnberg, 1996); 
Czech Contemporary Jewellery (Stribro, 1997); 
The Story of the Moon (glass part) (Castle Lemberk, 1997); 
Gallery Ludmilla Baczynsky (New York, 1997); 
Les Verriers (Liege, 1997); 
Helen Drutt Gallery (New York, 1997); 
Kotelna Gallery (Prague, 1998); 
SOFA NYC (New York, 1998); 
SOFA Chicago (Chicago, 1998); 
Chappell Gallery (Boston, 1998); 
SOFA NYC (New York, 1999); 
The Four Seasons (glass part): (Gorlice - Vysehrad, 1999); 
Wearing Glass-Glass Art Gallery (London, 2000); 
Interglassymposium IGS (Novy Bor, 2000); 
Libensky and His School (traveling exhibition, Prague, Salzburg, ... -
Prager Kabinett 2001); 
300 Years of Czech Decorative Art (Takasaki Museum of Art - Japan, 2001); 
Open Studio VSC (Johnson VT, USA, 2002); 
Impuls and Reflection (Gallery Enomoto, Osaka, 2002); 
Czech Jewellery (Prague Castle, 2003); 
Geometry Optics Design (Hergetova cihelna, Prague, 2003); 
Interglassymposium IGS (Novy Bor, 2003); 
Joalharia Contemporanea(Gallery Reverso, Museo archeologico, Lisbon, 2004); 
In Glut geformt(Langfeld, Neumünster, 2004); 
Glassart Pret a Porter(The Studio Glass Gallery London, 2005); 
Wearing Glass 2(OXO Gallery London, NGC Sunderland, 2005-6); 
Coburg Glass Price(Coburg, 2006); 
WearGlass (Toledo, OH USA, 2007); 
Solo exhibitions
Glass and glass jewel-Galerie Mustek (Praha, 1989); 
Galerie Gold Cross (Ceske Budejovice, 1992); 
The exhibition of objects from Sars-Poteries workshop "en residence"
(S.Poteries, Musee - Atelier du verre, Oct. - Nov. 1995 France; 
Jewellery - Galerie U Prstenu (Prague, 1996); 
Glass Objects, Design & Jewelry, (Museum of Glass Jablonec, CZ, 1999,
With I. Houserova and S. Grebenickova); 
Kotelna Gallery (Prague, 2000); 
Glass Objects - Glasgalerie Hittfeld bei Hamburg (2003);  
In collections
Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague Museum of Northern Bohemia, Liberec
Moravian Gallery, Brno Musee du Verre Sars-Poteries
Museum of Bohemian Paradise, Turnov Museum of Glass and Jewellery, Jablonec
Galerie Groll, Naarden
Now presented by:
Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia
Foibos Gallery, Prague, CZ
Prager Kabinett, Salzburg, Prague
Glasgalerie Hittfeld, Hamburg, Germany
Dictionaire international du bijou, Paris, Editions du Regard, 1998;
Goldschmiede und Uhrmacher Zeitung 9/95, Schmuckszene '95, p. 61;
Ateliér, A opět šperk, 13/95;
Umění a řemesla, Ars Publica, 4/99, p.48;
Domov, Od Volného umění ..., 2/2000, p.42-45;
Schmuck Magazin, Sachliche Transparenz, 5/2000, p. 42;
Metamorphoses of Czech Jewellery at the End of the 20th Century,
2002, A. Křížová, Academia, Prague, (p.104 - 107).
Updated: Jun. 9, 2009
times since Feb. 8, 1999
(thanks to WEBovský počítadlo)
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